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Best places to park your electric car in Bristol

Best places to park your electric car in Bristol

Thanks to the legacy of Bristol's year as European Green Capital in 2015, this beautiful city is one of the easiest places in the UK to drive an electric or hybrid car. Here, we take a look at some of the best places to park as you discover Bristol's many and varied attractions.

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Do you get stressed while driving?

Do you get stressed while driving?

Whether it’s hitting roadworks on the way to an important meeting or being tailgated on a winding country road in wet weather, driving-related gripes are a fact of life in the UK. In fact research found that 52% of British drivers reported feeling stressed on a weekly basis whilst behind the wheel. In these kinds of situations, it’s easy to let stress take over and become upset or even succumb to road rage. However there are plenty of easy ways to take the dread out of driving:

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Buildings not to miss when driving around Dublin

Buildings not to miss when driving around Dublin

From industrial landmarks, to modern glass structures, to grand civic buildings, interesting landmarks are ten a penny in Dublin and you are sure to come across many places you will want to stop off at as you drive around this fantastic city. To get you in the mood, here are a few places you shouldn’t miss.

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Benefits of car rental on a monthly basis

Benefits of car rental on a monthly basis

If you need a car, you buy a car, or so the conventional thinking goes. However, occasionally, renting a vehicle for a month or longer can be a far more sensible solution. Here’s why monthly car rental can make perfect sense.

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