How the 2017 general election could affect motorists

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How the 2017 general election could affect motorists

The June 8th general election is fast approaching and the majority of the parties have now released their manifestos.

There are some big motoring issues which are hot topics and present parties with opportunities to outline their plans to resolve them. From diesel scrappage schemes to investments in low emission vehicles, there is plenty for motorists to be aware of in each party’s manifestos.

Here are the main talking points from each parties manifesto, primarily focusing on their plans for motorists and the environment:



The Conservatives have made some major pledges in their manifesto.

  • Zero-emission vehicles: The Conservative aim for “almost every car and van” to be zero-emission by 2050. This will be accomplished by investing £600m in low-emission vehicles by 2020.
  • Electric vehicle batteries: The manifesto calls for more investment into electric vehicle batteries.
  • Road infrastructure: An investment of 40bn will go toward improving road networks. Including extra lanes on our motorways and improving key routes


  • Renewable energy: Labour’s manifesto claims to “ensure that 60 per cent of UK’s energy comes from zero-carbon or renewable sources by 2030.”
  • Low-emission vehicles: The party aims to position the UK at the forefront of development with use of ultra-low emission vehicles. Public transport will also be upgraded to meet new Euro 6 emission standards.
  • Road safety: Labour plans to reintroduce road safety targets and strives to have zero road deaths by improving safety standards.

Liberal Democrats

  • Diesel scrappage: One of the most standout proposals by the Liberal Democrats is to ban diesel car sales by 2025. They will also incentivise those with diesel vehicles to trade them in. The ban is to help improve air quality levels.
  • Charging points: The party also wants to develop the electric vehicle infrastructure, most significantly, universal charging points. Aiming to increase uptake in EVs.
  • Bus emissions: Backing up their efforts to better air quality, the party wants all buses in urban areas to operate on ultra-low emissions within five years.

The Green Party

  • Pass an Environment Protection Act to safeguard and ‘restore the environment’
  • A total ban fracking and scrap plans for any new nuclear power stations
  • Renationalise the railways, cancel HS2 and all airport expansions

(Please note that there are also a number of green policy initiatives from the SNP and Plaid Cymru. Plans from the other parties on the environment have not yet been published).

Many of the plans from each party’s manifestos now include a focus on low-emission and electric vehicles. At Green Motion we believe there are practical steps that we can all take to reduce emissions and protect the environment. Ten years ago when we set up, green policies were still looked on as rather fringe activity so we are delighted that all parties are now seriously considering the environment within then policies.

The commitment from all the main UK wide parties to improving transport, energy and the environment is encouraging and shows the way that the industry as a whole, is heading. Let’s hope that they follow through on their commitments.

If you are interested in finding out how easy it is to convert to an electric vehicle, and the benefits of doing so, you can rent an EV or hybrid car with Green Motion before committing to a purchase.

Our team of experts can help you pick the right vehicle for your needs. For more information, call us today on 0333 888 4000. 

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